Duke University, Perkins Library, Rooms 217 & 218
2:00 p.m. – Welcome & introductions. Bill Adair (Duke) and Alexios Mantzarlis (Poynter).
2:35 p.m. – Demos
→ ClaimBuster: a tool that can analyze transcripts from debates, TV interviews and legislative proceedings and instantly find factual claims to check. Naeemul Hassan (UT Arlington)
→ ICheck: computationally combating “lies, d—ned lies, and statistics” Jun Yang/Brett Walenz (Duke)
→ Experiments with mining the massive Wikipedia knowledge network, a problem at the heart of computer-aided fact-checking tools. Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia (IU)
→ FactMinder: Fact checking and Analyzing the web. Michaël Thomazo (INRIA)
→ Deep Natural Language Processing for Relational Learning from Short Texts. Alessandro Moschitti (QCRI)
4.15 pm. – Break
4.30 p.m. – Lightning rounds
→ How IBM Watson is forging a new way to gain a deep understanding of trending topics in the news. Ben Fletcher (IBM)
→ Using automated monitoring to scale, target, and evaluate fact-checking. Will Moy (Full Fact)
→ RumorLens. Samuel Carton (University of Michigan)
→ Dato Chequeado & Chequeado Colectivo. Pablo Martin Fernandez (Chequeado)
→ Share the Facts Widget. Bill Adair (Duke)
5.15 p.m. – Suggestions box for next day’s agenda. Participants decide key topics for Day 2 by writing down a key challenge and key opportunity for automated fact-checking.
6.30 pm – Dinner @ The Cookery (1101 West Chapel Hill Street, Durham NC 27701)
Duke University, Perkins Library, Rooms 217 & 218
8:00 a.m. – Breakfast
8:30 a.m. – Anatomy of a fact check: what can and can’t be automated? Mark Stencel (Duke), Angie Holan (PolitiFact), Robert Farley (Factcheck.org)
9.45 a.m. – Break
10:00 a.m. – Imagining the future of fact-checking. Breakout sessions
11:00 a.m. – Key challenges and opportunities. Breakout sessions report back to group.
12:00 p.m. – Lunch
12:45 p.m. – Wrap-up and Next Steps.
How to connect to the Duke VISITOR network:
- Open your network preferences and look for a network called “visitor,” which should be available to you across campus. Select this network.
- Open a browser. You should see the “welcome” message pertaining to the visitor network.
- Click Continue to connect to your normal start page.
- Note that the network cuts you off automatically after an hour of inactivity.