We are the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy, Duke's hub for the study of journalism and the media, and we invite you to join our programs and classes.
There is a place for first-year students and transfer students in all of our programs.
Explore our website for classes and information on our Policy, Journalism & Media Studies certificate program.
And, we’ve just announced an expansion of our teaching and programs for you in the 2021-22 year, with the introduction of two new faculty, who will join our team of journalists and academics teaching media studies at Duke.
We also invite incoming students to check out the student-reported 9th Street Journal, as a place to learn more about and potentially report on our Durham community.
And, the Duke Reporters’ Lab is looking for those with app development, programming, and data analysis skills, as well as reporting and election coverage experiences.
Any questions at all, feel free to reach out to any faculty or staff on our team. We’d all be happy to talk with you.
If you want to start with me, I’d be happy to answer any questions and/or make introductions with others in our network:
We hope you choose to join us- Go Duke!