Megan McArdle, a columnist at Bloomberg View and Duke University’s Pamela and Jack Egan Visiting Professor, joined Ross Douthat, columnist at the New York Times, for the Nov. 8 conversation titled “Conservatism in the Age of Trump.”
During the event, McArdle and Douthat discussed what it means to be a conservative during President Trump’s administration, particularly after his election caused major shifts within the Republican party. The conversation was co-hosted by the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy, the Center for Political Leadership, Innovation and Service (POLIS) and the Sanford School of Public Policy.
Ten photos from the event are below, and a video of McArdle and Douthat’s full discussion is available here.
Bill Adair (right), director of the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy, introduces Megan McArdle and Ross Douthat. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
McArdle is the 2017-18 Pamela and Jack Egan Visiting Professor. She teaches a course on op-ed writing. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Members of the Duke community gather in Fleishman Commons at the Sanford School of Public Policy. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Douthat joined the New York Times as an op-ed columnist in April 2009. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Members of the audience look on as McArdle and Douthat discuss conservatism. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Douthat and McArdle get animated as they talk about issues within the Republican party. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Adair and Fritz Mayer (right), director of POLIS, laugh from the front row. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Duke junior Asa Royal (right), a student researcher in the Duke Reporters’ Lab, participates in the Q&A portion of the event. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
McArdle chats with community members during a post-event reception in the Sanford School. Photo by Kevin Seifert.
Douthat meets event attendees at a reception following the panel. Photo by Kevin Seifert.